I decided a while back that I would build another guitar. It will have some unusual woods that I have on hand, and one that I know produce’s a good sound. The neck will be made of Catalpa, the sides and back of American Walnut ( from a log harvested in the area that I live) and the top will be made of Tupelo grown in the swamps of Louisiana. but this time instead of PVA ( carpenters glue) I’m using hide glue. Hide glue is a little harder to work with but worth the effort because of the sound quality it produces. I may be wrong but I don’t think you can buy a guitar off the rack made with Hide Glue these days, because of the extra effort that is required. Hide glue is thousands of years old known to have been used in ancient Egypt. It was used to make every musical instrument or furniture and anything organic in nature from then until some time after World War II. It ranges from the strongest (Ox Hide) to the Weakest (Rabbit). There is lots of info on the Internet ( Frets.com and many others). So why don’t all guitar manufacturers use it? Well because it has to be done with a few rules in mind. The joint must be clean and not oxidized, the glue must be kept hot to be a liquid and clamped before it cools. But if it was good enough for violins made in the 17th century that are still in fine condition today it should be fine for what I’m doing. So if you are into gluing furniture or any thing made of wood nothing is stronger and still reversible than Hide Glue. If a joint made with PVA fails it must be cleaned off completely because it won’t make a good joint if you don’t. Hide glue will reconstitute with heat and moisture and will adhere to its self because of it. Hide Glue breaks down at about 140 degrees and PVA at about 120. Other rules apply but you can look it up on the net………….