Tonight (11/17/11) the Stranger Creek Band will put on a rock and roll show at the old Grinter Place Barn behind the museum in KCK.They are serving Root Beer Floats and Hot Dogs I think, and there should be a lot of dancing and remembering going on and and I think we’ll have a good time. We have a show there every third Thursday of the month and this show was set up the last time we did rock and roll there last summer.We have about 80 to 100 people show up at these things so come early if you want a seat because it is not that big inside. We do the best we can to play everyone’s favorite but the idea is to have a good time and forget all the rest of the stuff that you want to forget. The show starts at 6:30 PM but everyone gets there early to sit and have a bite to eat first. Anyway if you want to get out and get away from that TV we’ll see you there…..