I met a guy many years ago who said he was a road show guitar player; that is when someone would make a hit song in Nashville, the record label would hire musicians to play live shows behind their artists. But in the studio they had what they called the A team that did all the recordings. He was one of the guys (B team) who went out on the road with other musicians to back this artist on stage to promote their song . This was many years ago when. Back then when you got signed by a record label they furnished a bus and musicians then told you where and what to play. Today I hear, it’s a lot different; you have to have your own bus and musicians but the record label still has a lot of say in what and where you perform. Now keep in mind I’ve never been there and done that, but this is what I was told. But what he said explains why so many of those old timers got into so much trouble. He said you would climb on board a bus (and I’m pretty sure that’s all it was, not one of these rolling hotels they have today) and you would ride to where ever the show was to be (I suppose they were all ready rehearsed) and put on the show that would last an hour or two, then you would ride to the next one and put on the same show. Sometimes you arrived early and you had nothing to do till the show starts and so you went to the local bar and all it offers including lonely girls who were very easily impressed when they found out you were traveling with a celeb. At first you’re very excited to be in this atmosphere but pretty soon the pattern is repeated so many times that you start to get this glazed look on your face and all you want to do is go home and sleep for a week. So to pass the time you start playing pranks on each other or your drinking in a bar or trying to sleep on this lousy bus. Anything to pass the time your are not performing on stage. But then performing the same songs over and over again……. you get the picture? Anyway he said as soon as he could, he got away from all that and just became an old road dog. Still traveling from one show to another but playing just the songs he likes. I guess I’m not sorry I missed all of that……………