I believe either system of government (Democrat or Republican) would work just fine if not for one small detail; and that would be greed. Now greed or ambition is a good thing as long as everybody plays by the same rules and no one gets hurt. I also believe that if you are too lazy to work then you should starve to death ( the ant and the grasshopper type of thing ) problem is how much wealth is enough? I’d say about 99% of the people here in the states and the world can’t seem to figure that one out. For example Bill Gates of Microsoft etc. etc. and all those CEOs making more than they are worth ( and you’ll get an argument about that from them on that subject). See here’s the thing; say you’re the head of a big business and a millionaire and you have everything you need to be happy in this life including a big yacht, but in the back of your mind you think, who knows I might need a bigger yacht, so I’ll cut my overhead and make more money. Let’s see ……I know I’ll fire my help a few at a time and replace them with these people who will work for almost nothing and not say a word because they can’t and then I’ll just add more deductions on my tax’s even though it’s illegal and if I get caught I’ll pay the fine and say I’m sorry and I won’t do it again. That’s better odds than I would get in Vegas and that’s why I make the big bucks….. I’m smarter than these little people, besides I deserve it….. Now lets say if you hire some one and you have to pay them at least a living wage for their family of four, and there are no deductions of any kind and you pay a graduated tax from a low of 5% to a high of 30% flat rate. You can still make as much as you want and still have plenty to live on, and we could pay off the national debt and have free health care for everyone because the government would save a lot of money, (no more tax system that don’t work) aunt Betty could go ahead and buy food and still have plenty for the meds she needs and maybe get a nurse to help so she don’t have to move in with the kids. So why don’t we just do it? well my friends because that CEO could not afford that bigger yacht he would have to settle for the smaller one……