Last night at the B.K. an old friend and his wife dropped by to say hello and to listen to the music. This old cowboy and I spent a lot of time together on the archery range at Shawnee Mission Park Kansas many years ago, and traveled to a lot of tournaments in the mid west plus a trip to Ceder Breaks National Park Utah on top of a mountain at about 8000 ft. alt. That’s right I said Archery. We both won a lot of trophy’s in our careers as target shooters plus a deer hunt or two. I shot freestyle (any gimmick but a cross bow) and he shot bare bow( no sights). I remember sitting ’round a camp fire telling story’s and jokes while sipping a few beers. Sometimes I’d pull out the guitar and he would want to hear “Help me Make it Through the Night” and “Old Dogs Children and Watermelon Wine”. We spent a few nights on top of that mountain with our families around us and half the camp ground singing at the top of our lungs and banging on pots and pans. The next day I apologized to one of the campers close to us and he said oh no don’t apologize we thought it was great we listened to you guys till you went to bed and loved it.Those days are gone, but the friend ship lives on. He had some health issues and later lost his hearing he later regained his health and his hearing and what a blessing it was to see him so healthy and fit like time has slowed us down but we’re not done yet.I’ve been reading a short story called Comrades by Steven Ambrose, about real life friends who were close all there life’s even if they didn’t get to see each other for long stretches of time. From Lewis and Clark, Crazy Horse and He Dog too Eisenhower and Patton . They all had one thing in common something drew them together and never let go……