Let me start by saying The Stranger Creek Band would like to apologize to those who came to the show last night and couldn’t find a seat or couldn’t get their meal in a timely manner. The restaurant was just over whellemed…….that being said we want to thank everyone for being so nice and understanding and we were thrilled at the turn out for the show we hope to do it again soon… we had a blast. Rekindled sounded great and was a nice contrast to our music ….thank you Rekindled. for those not in the loop we did a show at the Bichelemeyers Stake House in Tonganoxie KS and the place was rockin’ with standing room only; my wife Rosie had to help serve along with others who jumped in to volunteer. A big thank you goes out to them sorry I don’t know who all helped. Anyway thanks and let’s do it again soon. We have some shows coming up so go to the Stranger Creek Band web site or here at my site to get all the details. One show I’m looking forward to is The DeSoto Opry at the DeSoto Multipopurse centre June 9 ( they have a huge auditorium; we don’t anticipate a seating problem there) With the Stranger Creek Band, Judy Coder, Dave Purcell, and Maggie Marks a 14-year-old girl who could win the Idol Contest if she was old enough, come and see for your self; we are very excited about her. See you at one of the shows….