I’ve had a few request to see what I’ve been working on in the shop so I decided to put up a few pics. and write a few lines about the project. The guitar I’m working on is a design that I worked up some years ago and it has always been a nylon string Classical type with on-board sound. This time I thought I would use steel strings so I changed the bracing to accommodate the added stress and used some different wood for the top and the neck with American Walnut body. The top is Port Orford Cedar and the neck is Catalpa wood. I made the rosette from a piece of Brazilian Rose wood that I acquired many years ago for some guitar repairs. The board was bought before the moratorium and was about 1 by4 by 48 inches long and now only a few inches left. Also you can see my work stand that I originally made for wood carving that evolved into guitar making. I’m using Animal hide glue to see if I get a better response and I don’t put anymore for decoration then is necessary and no more glue joints that I have to, I believe the more joints you have the less the sound transfer, that’s why I always try to make the neck from one piece instead of scarf joints and a stacked heel. If you like to build guitars let me hear from you and than